What's Jekyll?

Jekyll is a static site generator, an open-source tool for creating simple yet powerful websites of all shapes and sizes.

Gem installs

sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev

echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

gem install jekyll bundler
gem install "jekyll-theme-hydure"
bundle add webrick

To create a Github Page with a Jekylle theme

Assume you have a github account: https://github.com/yourname

Fork Theme

  1. Go to Jekyll-Theme-Hydure click [Fork]
  2. Click [Settings], Repository name enter YourBlogName (Ex. AI-course), click [Rename]
  3. Delete 2 old branches, keep master branch
  4. Create new Branch gh-pages
  5. Click [Settngs], Left Menu Braches, Default branch set to gh-pages

    Add Theme

  6. Edit Gemfile to add:
    gem "jekyll-theme-hydure"
  7. Edit _config.yml to add:
    To submit to github,
      - jekyll-remote-theme
    remote_theme: zivong/jekyll-theme-hydure

    For running on localhost (PC), use the following:

    #  - jekyll-remote-theme
    theme: jekyll-theme-hydure

Change Cover.jpg

  1. Upload a cover.jpg (1920x2880) to _layouts
  2. Modify _layouts/default.hmtl to change path of cover.jpg
    assign cover = site.cover | default: "cover.jpg"

    Change Title & Tagline

  3. Modify _config.yml
    - title: AI course
    - tagline: Deep Learning Course
  4. Modify _data/navigation.yml to change url
    - tile Download
      url: https://github.com/rkuo2000/AI-course/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
    - title: Github
      url: https://github.com/rkuo2000/AI-course
  5. Modify _data/social.yml to change url
    - title: Email
      url: mailto:yourname@gmail.com
      icon: fas fa-envelope
    - title: FaceBook
      url: https://facebook.com/yourname
      icon: fab fa-facebook
    - title: Twitter
      url: https://twitter.com/yourname
      icon: fab fa-twitter
    - title: GitHub
      url: https://github.com/yourname
      icon: fab fa-github

    Edit Posts

  6. Modify _posts/*.md, upload or remove .md)
    (posts display latest dated .md on the top)
  7. Modify _layouts/default.html for hiding side-header with a checkbox
    see _layouts/default.html for detail

Run on localhost

cd ~/Desktop/Robotics/
rm Gemfile.lock` # for the first-time
jekyll serve
  • Open Browser at* localhost:4000

Open Github Page